Tying up of Kabir
by Sikandar Lodi
At first, Kabir saheb plainly
refused to appear in the court of Sikandar Lodhi. He said – What I have
to do with Badshah in the court ? I have neither stolen nor picked up
anything. I simply sing in praise of Rama and weave cloths to earn my
livelihood. Kotwal said – All the people of Kashi, including your mother
Neema, have lodged a complaint with Badshah against you. Badshah is very
angry. It you don't come on your own, we will take you forcibly.
Kabir saheb said it is not that I
am afraid of meeting any Badshah. I regard all the people equally. King
and the beggar… rich and poor, all are equal in my eyes. Even though, I
made no mistake, but still I will go with you. Thus Kabir saheb got
ready to appear in the court. He put a basil rosary around his neck…
smeared sandal-wood-paste on the forehead, donned a turban and inserted
a crest of peacock’s feathers in it. Kabir saheb never used to put such
an attire. For the first time his dark complexioned body appeared so
seducing that even Kamadeva would have been no match against him. His
mind was over whelming with joy and eyes had a spellbinding effect. His
voice appeared so sweet and cool that would quench even volcano in a
moment. For the first time, Kabir saheb had exhibited his power of Yoga.
When Kabir saheb reached the court,
thousands of his supporters also followed him. When Sikandar Lodhi saw
such a huge crowd he inquired the Kazi about it. Kotwal informed them
that they were the supporters of Kabir. Kabir saheb stood silently
before Sikandar Lodhi. Kazi said – O Mastana (Whimsical one), this is
Badshah Salamat, he is very kind-hearted, bow before him, he will
forgive all your crimes. But Kabir remained stood like a statue. Kazi
again asked Kabir to bow down before the Badshah. Kabir saheb said – Who
is the Badshah ? What kind of Badshah ? There only one Badshah in the
world whom I know and He is Rama. I bow before and salute only my
Badshah Rama. Only Rama is my Badshah. He has the power of turning a
king into a beggar and a beggar into a king. He can make sesame seed in
to a huge palm tree, and vice versa. Without His wish, not even a single
leaf moves in the world.
Sikandar Lodhi asked Kazi what
kind of discussion was taking place. Kazi informed – Jahanpanah ! Kabir
refuses to salute you. He declares some 'Rama' as his Badshah. For the
first time, Sikandar Lodhi raised his eyes to look at Kabir. But he felt
as if he were looking at a glowing fire-ball. His eyes dazzled by the
glory of Kabir saheb, and he began to faint because of anger. Next
moment, gathering his consciousness, Sikandar Lodhi shouted – “Kabir”
now you will live no more. I will see who is your Rama and how He save
you ? At that time Kabir uttered the following Sakhi (couplet) –
Jaako Rakhe Sainya, Maar
Sake Na Koy !
Na Banka Kari Sakai, Jo Jag Bairy Hoy !!
Sikandar Lodhi said furiously –
Kabir now get ready to go to the hell, nobody can save you. Then
Sikandar Lodhi ordered his soldiers to enchain Kabir and throw him into
the Ganges. Soldiers carried out the order perfectly and threw Kabir
saheb into the Ganges after enchaining him tightly. Kabir saheb knew the
procedure of Jalasana. With his Yoga-power he removed the chains and sat
on the water surface taking a comfortable posture, come aside -
Ganga Gusain Gahari Gambhir
Janjeer Bandhi Kari Kharai
Kabir !
Mana Na Digai Tana Kahai Ko
Darai !
Charan-Kamal Chitt Rahyo
Samai !
Ganga Ki Lahari Meri Tooti
Janjeer !
Mrig Chhala Par Baithe Kabir
Pundit and Mullahs began to babble
again – Jahanpanah. Kabir is a magician… he knows exorcism also. If you
leave him like this, he will not let anybody live peacefully. Such a
huge crowd is with him. Jahanpanah, he can even dethrone you and snatch
your kingdom. It is not good for you either to leave him alive. Kabir
can do anything, anytime. We have seen his miracles many times in Kashi.
Such kind of babbling fanned
Sikandar's anger further. He said – Kabir knew exorcism, hence came out
of water unhurt. But this time, his exorcism will not do.
This time lot of woods piled into
a huge pyre. Then Kabir saheb thrown on it after tying in a bundle and
the pyre was set ablaze. But the fire could not burn Kabir saheb. Such
as, the gold begins to glow more brilliantly after roasting in the fire,
similarly, when Kabir saheb was thrown into the fire, he came out
glowing like the gold. His body was glowing so brilliantly that even the
gold would have felt ashamed.
Lakareen Manjh Daari Agini
Prajari Dai !
Nai Maanon Bhai Deh Kanchan
Lajaavahin !!
Now Sikandar Lodhi felt fed up of
his futile attempts. This time, he put the responsibility of killing
Kabir on his teacher Shekh Taqi and the Kazi. Kazi told Sikandar Lodhi
about a natural and simple way of killing Kabir in the army of Sikandar
Lodhi, there was a rogue elephant. It would have been the easiest way to
get Kabir crushed by that elephant, the rogue elephant was very
notorious killer and had killed hundreds of people under his heavy feet.
In order to kill Kabir, the elephant was made to drink lot of
intoxicating alcohol so that its anger could surge even higher. Peelvan
(mahout) was also made to drink similar wine so that he could not make
even minor mistake out of mercy.
Once again, arms and legs of Kabir
saheb were tied securely and he was then thrown before the inebriated,
rogue elephant. Kazi ordered the mahout to drive the elephant and
trample Kabir, even though Kazi was also familiar with the grace of
Paramatma. No one can hurt him, Who has the grace of that Supreme Being…
He is the omnipotent. Mahout kept on hitting the elephant with his curb,
but instead of marching ahead, the elephant moved back trumpeting
loudly, because a lion-like ferocious animal was visible to the elephant
guarding Kabir saheb. Even the mahout could see that ferocious lion.
What crime has the saint committed, that he has been thrown before a
rogue elephant in such a hapless condition. But the elephant bows before
that saint, who is lying before it in a bundle-like form. But Kazi and
mullahs are all blinds, they can not see anything. They have three times
tied Kabir, still they are not ready to believe his virtues. Shekh Taqi
said to Sikandar Lodhi – Jahanpanah ! Kabir is indeed a true Faqueer.
Get up from throne and beg his pardon. Anger of a saint can bring havoc.
I understand now that you can do no harm to Kabir. Allah is
exceptionally gracious on him. Hearing these words, Sikandar Lodhi began
to shiver with fear. He shouted at the Pundits, mullahs and Kazis and
asked them to run away and get lost -
Kaha Aparaadh Sant Haun
Kinha, Bandhi Pote Kunjar Kun Deenha!
Kunjar Pote Bahu Vandan
Karai, Ajahun Na Sujhai Kaji Andharai !!
Getting up from his throne,
Sikandar Lodhi fell at the feet of Kabir and begged for his pardon. He
said – Kazi and Mullahs do not know the dignity of a saint. Saints are
really kind and gracious. Kabir saheb at once forgave Sikandar Lodhi
happily. Sikandar Lodhi tried to give him many parts of his kingdom and
inaccessible wealth of gold and silver. But Kabir saheb had nothing
to-do with the gold and silver and other royal luxuries. Kabir sahib
said – Lodhi, all the wealth and luxuries not going to last for
eternity. Singing of devotional songs for my Rama is the gold and silver
and everything. This throne and kingdom are the causes of sorrow.
Nothing is greater in the world than the devotion to Rama. Rama has
given me everything. I don't want anything from you. Then Kabir saheb
and his supporter returned to his hut happily :
Singh Roop Keso Darpavai,
Tate Hasti Nikati Na Avai !
Peelvan Kun Darsan Deenun,
Maali Gayand Paro Tahan Keenu !
Peechhai Syaah Sikandar
Deethaa, Kabir Aagen Sindh Baitha !
Peelvan Hasti Kari Nyara,
Bhai Karamat Abaki Bara !
Sancha Rama Kabir Tumhara,
Abakai Rakhau Jeev Hamara !
Kazi Mullah Maram Na Janai,
Sirjanhar Tumhari Manai !
In Kabir-panth, it is famous that
Kabir saheb was tied fifty-two times. But historically with Sikandar
Lodhi, these three incidents are famous. Kabir's whole life had been
full of strange incidents. In all probabilities, attempts on his life
would have been made more than fifty-two times. Kabir saheb life has
been a life of struggles. Since birth till his heavenly departure, every
moment of his life has this kind of incident or that. Kabir saheb's
whole life is, in a way, a tied up bundle (Kasani). |